light headed in Chinese
- 轻率的
- 头晕的
- "light" in Chinese : vi. (lit 或 lighted) 1.〔古语〕下马 ...
- "headed" in Chinese : adj. 1.有头的,有标题的;(植物等)结成头的。 h ...
- "he feels light headed" in Chinese : 他觉得头晕
- "be headed for" in Chinese : 朝方向去; 去…地方
- "headed" in Chinese : adj. 1.有头的,有标题的;(植物等)结成头的。 headed bolt ...
- "headed by" in Chinese : 由…率领
- "addle headed" in Chinese : adj. 思想糊涂的,昏头昏脑的。
- "alert headed" in Chinese : 头脑灵活的
- "alert-headed" in Chinese : 头形灵活的; 头形清秀的
- "arrow headed" in Chinese : 刺的; 箭头的; 箭头状的; 箭形的
- "arrow-headed" in Chinese : adj. 箭头形的,镞状的。
- "bald headed" in Chinese : 蚀顶的
- "beetle headed" in Chinese : 呆闲呆脑的
- "beetle-headed" in Chinese : adj. 糊涂的,呆笨的。
- "big headed" in Chinese : adj. 自大的。
- Manufactures a wide range of solar powerered outdoor lighting fixtures , including light heads and pole mount
-主要生产太阳能热水器。公司概况及新闻产品热水工程。 - Plastics drums - non - removable head light head cicular cross - section drums with a nominal capacity of 20 i to 120 i
塑料鼓形桶.标称容量为20 - 120升的非移动盖圆截面鼓形桶
Other Languages
- "light headed" meaning in Japanese:
- "light headed" meaning in French: maux de tête; étourdi; écervelé; à la tête légère
"light harvesting complex" in Chinese, "light harvesting pigment" in Chinese, "light harvesting pigment complex" in Chinese, "light hazard occupancy" in Chinese, "light head" in Chinese, "light heal" in Chinese, "light heart" in Chinese, "light heat and water expense" in Chinese, "light heat stroke" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of light headed in Chinese and how to say light headed in Chinese? light headed Chinese meaning, light headed的中文,light headed的中文,light headed的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by