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light headed in Chinese

How to pronounce "light headed""light headed" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 轻率的
  • 头晕的


  • Manufactures a wide range of solar powerered outdoor lighting fixtures , including light heads and pole mount
  • Plastics drums - non - removable head light head cicular cross - section drums with a nominal capacity of 20 i to 120 i
    塑料鼓形桶.标称容量为20 - 120升的非移动盖圆截面鼓形桶

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What is the meaning of light headed in Chinese and how to say light headed in Chinese? light headed Chinese meaning, light headed的中文light headed的中文light headed的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.